Using nature as inspiration I tried to represent the form of a dried seed pod out of nothing but basic everyday paper.
Seed Pod
Solution 1.
Keep it simple. Since glue cant be used the first solution will only utilize one piece of paper.
Technique- Use the side of a pair of scissors to to warp the fabir of the paper forcing it to bend and twist. This will create a shape similar to the seed pod.

Outcome! Effective and relatively simple.
Solution 2.
Attempt - to create an abstract representation of the seed pod by keeping in mind the basic shape (curve).
Method - An age old sewing technique, crimping, clutter one edge of the paper. Create a zig zag pattern but only on one side of the paper, creates a curve in the paper.

Outcome! Abstract, yet it still holds the feeling of the pod
Final solution.
Solution 2 was about as far away from the pod as was possible without loosing the feeling. So for the last representation I wanted to create a life like mimicry. Using the pod's seed's to create a casting or impression of the pods shape. The idea was to create a lifelike internal structure, giving the presence of the real thing.

Solution. This is by far my favourite.
Close up. The top and bottem are actually the top and bottem of the seed pod. Gives a feeling of how wide the pod is.