1:1 X Board Study
Now that I have figured out all the dimensions and cut sizes, I wanted to make a 1:1 moch up to test everything before I made my final. I made the stool taller and the seat smaller, and figured out a way to hide all the exposed cardboard + the locking system.
Cutting the X Board...to hide exposed cardboard.....

I based alot of the dimensions of this stool on the golden ratio, one of Fibonacci favorite concepts. 1 : 1.6180339887. For example the leg height of the stool is 44o and the length of the leg detail, where the leg curves back on itself is 272. This is just one of the places i used the golden ratio to improve my design.
New Locking system...
The only problems I found were; one the top corners of the design were under to much pressure and they ripped, two the locking system works really well but if its not perfect then the chair will be slightly wobbly, because the chair will open the more the locking system wears. I need to resolve these issues for the final chair!! arrrrr pressure, I'm down to my final X board.
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