To give myself a break from X board (because my hand a really starting to hurt, especially under my finger nails ?!?!). I wanted to start doing some research regarding branding. For the final presentation our chair has to be brand ready, and thus placed as an appropriate situation to advertise the Melbourne DTM. So I want to advertise the festival while incorporating my design.
I've gathered some images that I'm going to use to brand the stool and incorporate it within the Melbourne Art scene to entice the board, that will be picking the final design. The design will completely for fill it's function and be perfect for advertising the Melbourne DTM.
If there is a few thing that I have learn t.
*its that sex sells
*everyone like "pretty" things
*cultural thing and really alluring
Here are some images I got to gain inspiration from......

Fashion/emerging fashion trends...

I want to incorporate both...

I will post more when I have figured out my outcome for branding and advertising......
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